帰国留学生同窓会の準備に向けて ~愛媛大学留学生センター~
帰国留学生と共に過ごしたバージン先生(後列左から3番目)と古賀先生(前列左) | |||||||||||
Ehime University Alumni Association and International Student Center has started setting up branches in foreign countries. Ruth Vergin met with former Aidai international students to discuss the role of such alumni groups abroad. On Feb. 27 ten former Vietnamese students gathered for a dinner party in Hanoi. For some it was the first time to meet each other. In Thailand there were meetings in Chiangmai March 5 and Bangkok on March 8 and contact by phone with some who could not join, altogether 9 former students. Most are working in universities and all were eager to maintain contact with Ehime University. One of the strongest hopes was for better communication with other people in their own country, with former students from other countries and with their academic advisors. Some wanted more information regarding scholarships and how to enter a university in Japan. All suggested establishing a mailing list or a bulletin board on the university website.
Ruth Vergin | |||||||||||
帰国留学生達が歓迎会を開いてくれました。 | |||||||||||
(上記英文の日本語訳) 留学生センター ルース・バージン |
またまた,帰国留学生たちとのお食事会です。 |